Monday, January 28, 2013

Found a New Place! Moving in T-Minus 36 Hours.

Goodbye, Washington Heights! Hello, Upper East Side!

Hello, Best Buy and Barnes & Noble within walking distance. Hello, Shake Shack and Chipotle. Hello, 6-train and good riddance A-train!

So long to the Friday, Saturday, and holiday 2am fiestas! Toodles to our 40° bedroom. Hello, five flights of stairs every single day... And, coincidentally, hey there, quads! Miss me?

Yep, we're moving. And we had exactly nine days to pack this time. Correction: Make that I had nine days to pack. Matt has been absolutely no help, because Matt has been at work all day every day. But, we knew that would happen, so... I've been sucking it up and trying to pack two people's possessions. And it does, seriously, suck.

I have a bit more left... The kitchen and the bathroom, mostly. And the tops of the dressers in the bedroom. All my books are tucked neatly away in boxes and shopping bags, and my clothes are in garbage bags. You should see where my loyalties lie.

The movers will be here at 9:00 Wednesday morning, the internet/tv installation is taking place between 4:00 and 5:00 (so... like... 6:00 and 7:00?), and our first order of groceries should be arriving around that time period, too. So we should have just about everything we need in our new place by 9:00 on Wednesday evening. Then, and only then, will I allow myself to rest.

The past two weeks have been crazy. Absolutely torturous and stressful. But, I think, we're going to land feet first. We got the apartment I referenced in the last entry, the two bedroom on the Upper East Side. 85th and Lexington, to be exact. It's way smaller than the place we have now (even with the two "bedrooms"), but I think it'll work better for us. Less to clean, less to pack with unnecessary furniture and what not. Matt mentioned that he's looking forward to downsizing and I think I have to agree. We barely made use of all the space we have now. Sure, we'll miss it, but I think we'll get used to everything pretty quickly. Especially our new area...

I'm so excited about the new area; it more than makes up for the higher rent, the realtor's fee, and the smaller rooms. There's so much to do; we'll be three blocks from Central Park, one block from the subway stop and the bus stop, and just a few blocks south is tons of shopping. Plus, we're only ten blocks from Andrew for the time being, so no more passive-aggressive arguing about who has to make the trip across the park to visit the other.

Once we actually get settled, though, it's time to really buckle down and save. I have to find more freelance, try to get more organized at work, and start working on the young adult novel that I've had to put on hold during this whole search. We'll unpack a little at a time, try to figure out how everything will fit, and hopefully I'll be able to have people over for my birthday, which is a Sunday this year and comes right before President's Day, which is an office holiday.

Matt's twenty-fifth birthday is tomorrow; I bought presents, but didn't wrap them. Didn't bother with a card for the very first birthday ever because I figured it'd get lost in the mess that is our current apartment. But hopefully we'll be able to celebrate this week or next. His days off may be changing from Wednesday/Thursday to Friday/Saturday, which means we may actually be able to act like a real couple in their mid-twenties and go out on the weekends. Within reason, of course, because we're supposed to be budgeting.

It'll probably take a while to get photos of the new place with all our stuff inside, so for now, I'll leave you with a few I took tonight when I went over to measure the rooms and test out my keys (and the commute). The keys gave me a hard time (as did the stairs... which makes me nervous for the movers...), but I think we'll be okay in this place.

Front door is to the right. At the back of the building. New fridge and stove.

New cabinets, new stove. Not a lot of counter space, but we'll figure something out. I don't really cook to begin with...


Room #1 off the kitchen. It's tiny; thinking the futon and something else will go in here.

Room #2, between Room #1 and the bedroom. This will probably be the living room, only because we don't think we want people walking through our bedroom to get to the living room.

Bedroom; bigger than what we have now. Closet is in Room #2 and is pretty deep. Windows look out at the huge apartment complex across the street and the fire station.

Other view of Bedroom.


  1. Looks nice. Not sure I will like all those stairs!

  2. The handles in the MIDDLE of those upper cabinets makes me physically uncomfortable and very angry. Who does that? Who puts handles there? Boo. Expect to carry me up those steps when I come see you. :)

    Also, you should ask the landlord if it's ok to hang a shelf with hinges along the wall in the kitchen. If it has hinges, you can unhook it and leave it down when you don't need it and have it up when Matt is cooking. Just sayin'.

    Yo sista!
