Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Two Firsts: An Acquisition and Homemade Thin Mints

I'm exhausted. As in... probably getting in bed before 10 p.m. exhausted. It's been a long time since I was this tired; I've been pretty busy, though, and not getting nearly as much sleep as I should.

Let's start with Monday! I had a meeting schedule to discuss the Prevention RD cookbook acquisition with my publisher, but he didn't get into the office that morning until almost noon. And our meeting was at 10. So I was pretty bummed. On top of that, an author (who may or may not be suing us) kept calling and demanding that the publisher call him back immediately. When the publisher finally got in, though, he called me in for our meeting. Five minutes later, I walked out with permission to offer the author of Prevention RD a contract!

If you're unfamiliar with the way acquisitions work, I'll explain: We see something we like, we go after it, we offer money/a contract, and then we publish it. Luckily, this is a more-involved process for me and this book because the book isn't written yet. So I get to walk this author through her very first book from start to finish. She's so excited about it—I got an email last week when we were working on her proposal that was literally 10 smiley faces in a row. I love that she's so enthusiastic; it makes me like my job even more.

As I've said to so many people this week, I did not think I'd be making acquisitions in less than one month with the company—especially as an editorial assistant. But, again, my company is small ("the fastest growing independent publishing company") and we all share various responsibilities. People are hired specifically by companies such as Penguin and Macmillan to acquire titles. You have to have so many years of experience and credits to your name to even be considered. And I just joined the staff, sent an email, presented an idea, and BAM! Done! I love it. It's unbelievable.

Monday night, Andrew and I went to DBK for Restaurant Week and had a pretty good meal. We also made a stop at The Strand (because I, again, bought a book I already own the last time I was there... You try keep track of hundreds and see how many you buy twice!) and Washington Square Park (I think?). Spent a bunch of time outdoors since our reservation for dinner was so late. The weather was nice, the food was great. Waiting for the A-train at almost midnight sucked, though. I didn't get home from dinner until past midnight. I was barely showered and ready for bed by the time Matt strolled in past 1 a.m. (Late night #1)

Tuesday was a really easy day at work. I was actually able to sit down with all the stuff I knew I needed to do eventually and make an Excel to-do list. Now I know exactly what's already done, what I'm in the process of doing (such as... a 1,400 page final pass!!), and what needs to get done eventually. I feel much better having it all laid out and easily accessible; after I finished, I literally felt myself relax. My muscles in my back released a bit and I just felt more in control than I've felt since taking over for Eleanor.

When I got home from work, I did three loads of laundry, paid the rent and a few bills, cleaned a bit, and made a batch of Thin Mints. My cookies aren't very thin, and a few of them burned, but they're minty and chocolately and there are tons of them. They didn't finish until almost midnight, and were not very pretty to look at, but... it was a first attempt. They were easy to make, so if Matt likes them, I'll try them again.

I think part of the reason they didn't turn out as well as they could... Well, actually... there were a few reasons. I have really shitty knives. Matt has super nice ones, but the ones in the kitchen when he takes his to work are horrible. There's no way I could cut 1/4 inch cookies, so they turned out to be probably 1/2–3/4 inches thick. So I figured that since they were thicker, they could go in the oven the maximum number of minutes (15). So I showered while they were in the oven, didn't check on them, and then pulled them out when the timer went off. And they were crispier (and blacker) than they should have been. I was just not as attentive as I should've been....

I mean, at one point, I was standing in the living room, watching the USA Women's Gymnastics team celebrate a gold medal while I stirred the chocolate so it wouldn't harden while I watched TV. Probably not good cookie-baking behavior, but the Olympics may or may not be one of the most important things in my life right now—it's all I can talk about with everyone. I love it. I couldn't tear myself away from primetime until well after 1 a.m. (Late night #2)

And, of course, barely sleeping the past two nights made me late for work this morning. No one seemed to notice, but you better believe it's not going to happen again. I was late all the time at my old job because I didn't care enough to be on time. I care now; I care way more than I've cared about a job in a while. Have to go to bed early, have to wake up early, have to be on time. That's that.

Tonight I went to happy hour with a pretty decent-sized group of people, a mix of interns and employees that I was able to bring together with few issues. I'm still hoping to make some real friends out of this job, and I think this is the right way to go about it. We had a great time, didn't spend too much money, and got along well. Gives me hope!

Matt was supposed to be off Thursday and Friday, and he had invited his friends to come visit, but then Chef kicked two different people off the staff last night and asked Matt to work Thursday. So... I think it's just me tomorrow. Which is fine, I suppose, because I picked up a tiny bit of freelance today that I can work on (a proofread of cookbook based on Chia seeds... yeah... ch-ch-ch-chia breakfasts, dinners, and desserts). I'd go to the gym, too, but I don't know if I'll have the energy. I'm super worn out and I think I just need a night of almost nothingness. He wants to make risotto on Friday night, and he left me a vegetarian cookbook on the couch tonight, which I'm thinking must contain a recipe or two he wants me to try for Date Night #2, which will be Saturday night (Sunday morning) this week. Who knows what will happen. I wish the food I made was good-looking so I could post photos of it. But the presentation is just not there. Oh well. Eventually. Maybe. If I can keep up with it.

Time for some tea and bed. Tired, tired, tired.


  1. We were indeed in Washington Square park.

  2. What is with the sudden fascination with eating Chia seeds? Those damn pets have been around forever, but now all of a sudden, we're eating them?

    1. They're apparently flavorless and really good for you. Keeps you full longer or some shit like that because they turn into a gel. They take the place of butter in most recipes. I'm only 50 pages in, but they seem easy enough to use. Not that I'm going to run out and buy a bag, though...
