Sunday, July 29, 2012

Little Annoyances in the Big City

All I've done since Friday night is watch the Olympics. From my couch. It's making me happy, but sad. Sad that I stopped playing soccer after ninth grade. Sad that these girls are 15, 16, 17 years old and accomplishing such impossible feats while I sit on my couch and do nothing. Sad that I don't have a pool to swim in. Sad that I have no one to share in the victories with. I've been watching via FB with Andrew and text with Vince every now and then, but it's not the same. Matt and I did watch a crazy game of badmitten earlier, though. Never knew the delivery on those birdies could hit 200mph. Geezus.

We really accomplished nothing this weekend. I made some pretty good (pre-made) stuffed chicken breasts and baked lemon pasta Friday night, but we didn't enjoy it until almost 3:00 a.m. He called to say he was coming home at 1:15ish, I think, and then I guess the A train just never came. So he took the E uptown a bit and then waited another half hour for the A train. He said it was packed. At 2:30 in the morning, it should not be packed. I can't imagine the stress and strain of the people on that train. He walked in red-faced and exhausted and felt so guilty that he was so late. I felt horrible. I suggested we just not eat since it was so late, but he was hungry. And so was I. I mean, I waited for him all night... The meal was pretty good, and I only burned myself a little bit when I grabbed a pan that'd been in the oven for 45+ minutes. But I survived; Matt came home and made me hold a pickle and then dumped lime juice on it. A few minutes later, it didn't even really hurt.

After such a late night, we decided not to try to go see The Dark Knight Rises on Saturday morning. It's just too difficult. There's so much to do in Manhattan at any time of the day or night, but it's difficult to get there. The trains never seem to be running on time, the weather is either 90° or stormy... It's really hard not to have a car at our disposal. I thought I'd quickly run to B&N on 82nd Street yesterday to get Matt's half-birthday present (the Game of Thrones box set and a giant cupcake!).

I left during a thunderstorm (The radar showed that it was going to rain for hours and I wasn't going to wait around for it to stop.) at about 4:15 and by the time I got to the platform on my street, my jeans and feet were soaked. By the time an A train finally stopped at the platform (three just breezed right on by, not stopping and infuriating many of the people waiting), my feet and my jeans were mostly dry. I got to B&N at about 5:30. It should not have taken me more than an hour to get there, but the trains just didn't work in my favor. And I wasn't paying for a taxi. The ride home was much easier. I got in about 7:15. However, running to B&N to buy a book and getting back home would've taken me about 35 minutes in W-B. It took me almost three hours on Saturday.

When I got home last night, I was planning on doing laundry. I got all our towels and our bedsheets together and went downstairs to find that all three washers and all three dryers were in use. There was about 20 minutes left on the washers, so I figured someone would come down to switch their loads in about 25. I came back upstairs, ate dinner, and then went back down. All the machines were off, but no one had come down to unload. I went down four more times, every five or ten minutes or so, and nothing had changed. I wouldn't want anyone taking my clean clothes out of the washers and leaving them in a basket to get all mildewy in a dirty basement, so I wasn't about to empty the washers myself. Come to think of it, I wouldn't even be the type of person to leave my stuff in there and forget about it. I know that three washers and three dryers is not nearly enough machinery for six floors of people, so I time my loads accurately and am down there the second the washer or dryer goes off. But apparently not everyone functions that way. I gave up at 8:30; considering it takes about an hour and a half to do a load of laundry and the basement closes at 10, it wouldn't have been smart to put anything new in after that. But the nerve of some people! I've hogged all three washers/dryers in the past, but I was always down there to switch it on time. No one ever had to sit around and wait for me.

So I figured I'd just do all the wash today. And Matt figured he'd wash his really gross, crusty, smelly work clothes before work this morning.

And when we woke up, the elevator was broken. For the second time in one month. He, again, didn't want to go to the laundry mat. And I wasn't going to sit in one alone all day. So... nothing got washed. Which means I'm going to have to try to smush them into multiple loads throughout the week with everyone else in the building. Which is going to be SO frustrating!

So yeah... that's basically been my whole weekend. Olympics and irritations. (And if Phelps doesn't start winning, even more irritation!) I'm also have a few tummy issues that I'll spare you the details of, but let's just say that I can't scroll on the computer or stand up too fast without feeling slightly nauseated. I think it has something to do with the breakfast we made on the fly this morning. Omelets with red peppers (and waaay too much salt) and toast. Oh, and smoothies with really old strawberries and bananas. Matt swore they were still okay to eat, though. But I'm thinking he lied to me just to get our money's worth.

Oh... and I finished Apron Anxiety and am very disappointed that there wasn't a classic happy ending. I mean, it was happy. She is happy, as far as I can tell. But I love when relationships work out. And the relationship she had with Chef just wouldn't work. I feel like she could've tried a little harder, but maybe she just didn't have the personality or the right attitude to accept that at that time in his life, his career had to come first. I don't know. Maybe I'm just weird... I said to Matt today, "I wonder what it would be like to be a normal couple for a week." He laughed and said, "You signed up for this." And yeah, I did. But it's weird. I'm used to him not being around, but it's different now that we're living together. I feel like I actually notice that he's not around more. In college, I had so much schoolwork, I was working three jobs, and I was living with my parents. I always had something to do or someone to talk to. And most of the time I lived alone, we were broken up. So of course he wasn't around all the time; I didn't expect him to be. But now we share this space. And he's not here when I am, and I'm not here when he is, and it's just odd. I know this is a subject that keeps coming up in my blogs, but it's only because it's been on my mind so much due to the book I was reading. Now that I'm moving on to something new, I don't think I'll be thinking about it as much. Or at least, I hope I won't be.

So... what's coming up this week?
  • I checked my work email a few hours ago and I have a pitch meeting scheduled with my publisher at 10 tomorrow morning. Hoping to convince him to publish this one cookbook! I'll know by 10:10 tomorrow. Cross your fingers!
  • Dinner at DBK with Andrew on Monday night to sample the Restaurant Week menu.
  • Gym at least two times.
  • Tentative happy hour Wednesday night with colleagues.
  • Possible visit from two of Matt's friends for Thursday and Friday. No idea if he even mentioned it to them yet, but I know he was planning on asking them. If they do come in, then...
  • Date night would move to Saturday night. Which means I have time to plan a menu. If I can find peppermint extract, I can make the thin mint cookies from the recipe we've both been talking about since Thursday!

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