I've finally forgiven Adele for making me so sad last summer. It took quite a while, but... we're on okay terms now. Love this song; can't believe I shut her out for nearly a year.
In other news...
Matt moves in FOR REAL in approximately twelve hours. I'm not as excited as I thought I'd be (lol—go figure), but I'm sure while I'm waiting for him to get off the bus/subway tomorrow, the realization of it all will hit me. I think I've just seen quite a bit of him recently, so I'm not missing him as much as I did a little while ago when two weeks went by without a visit on either end.
It's going to be so weird to share this space with him ALL THE TIME. I haven't actually lived with someone (... someone I actually wanted to speak to who didn't hide in their room all day) since I moved out of my parents' house. So... that's been a year, as well. It'll just be strange. Different. To anyone who went away to school and had a rommate or something like that, I'm sure this all sounds really dumb, but I really am interested in how this will all unfold. I'm not the greatest sharer. And I have rules.
I'm thinking we made the right decision going with two bedrooms. With the door closed, you can barely hear the television BLASTING. At least he wears headphones when he plays his computer and video games, but when he's just watching television... sometimes it's like being in the room with my dad! My sight might be the first sense to go, but I have a feeling Matt's hearing won't be too far behind. Which is unfortunate, yes. Damn those earbuds. (Maybe? It can't be healthy to have them stuck directly in your ear, cranking out loud music, for hours at a time...)
I have yet to totally accept that this is my life right now. Having Matt move in makes it that much more unbelievable. I think my job, though, is THE BEST PART of it all. (Don't get me wrong—I love Matt, but this whole move was to better myself and my career. He's just a bonus.) If the tasks I completed today (and those I have lined up for next week) are any indication of what I'll be doing the next few months, then I'll be a busy—but enthusiastic—little bee.
Today, for example, I did final passes on three different books, did some work with a contract negotiation, and started editing the first pass of a cookbook. I also started my first two acquisitions—something I didn't think I'd ever, ever get to do. Basically, my boss called me and four other people into his office yesterday at the end of the day and gave us a list of popular food blogs. He asked us to contact the authors and see if they'd be interested in writing cookbooks for us. I got two really great blogs (one is better than the other by far, though), wrote the emails, and now I just sit back and wait to see if they respond. (I already know one of them is interested because I checked my work email about an hour ago!!) If they're interested, then I'll help them develop a concept for the book and draft a proposal. If my boss accepts the proposal, and I express an interest in working with it, then I'll guide the author through the process of writing it, editing it, and formatting it. This is just... incredible. I can't even fully express how happy I am with this job.
I also can't really wrap my head around HOW GREAT EVERYTHING IS working out socially, as well. I went to lunch with people from the office every day except Fourth of July and dinner with Andrew on Monday and Wednesday. Of course, this isn't too great financially, but... I have enough money to not have to worry about it right now, so I'm trying not to. I'm sure as I get busier, I won't take as many long lunches or wander very far from my desk. Right now, though, I'm enjoying being somewhat of a social butterfly. At work, anyway. I feel very content right now. Not lonely, not worried that people don't like me. I'm very relaxed in regards to this.
Hm, what else...
Oh! I did some freelancing last week and made a decent buck, but it's unclear when I'll get more work. So I decided to hunt through Craig's List and on this website called Elance for some opportunities tonight. I already heard back from a client, replied to his questions, and am eagerly waiting to find out if he's interested in working with me. I'd be editing e-book conversions, which is something I always wanted to do as an intern, but never had the chance. Hopefully it works out. If not, I'll just keep trying. No big deal at this very moment. But... money is always nice.
Matt, work, friends, money.... Check × 4. Anything else? Oh! Grandpa is doing better and my mom's all about jello shots and baking cakes for whatever reason. I think it's just been a rough few weeks all around. But all's well, as far as I can tell.
Back to the gym Monday! For real! Matt goes to work, I go to work out. The end. No excuses. I haven't stepped on a scale since early May, but I can feel it and it's not good. Better food, better decisions ahead. Get ready for an onslaught of entries about food, diets, carbs, and calories. (I apologize in advance.)
Are you able to say which food blogs? I may know some of the authors.
ReplyDeleteNot really, I was just given a list that someone else gave him. if this works out, though, i might be able to pitch a few that i find in the future. you could send me links of the ones you have in mind?