Saturday, August 17, 2013

Killing Time

I've noticed this week just how much the rest of my life falls apart when I'm overworked. I picked up a few freelance projects week and, while I do absolutely appreciate the extra money, the workload really kicked my butt. Now, I'm definitely used to be overworked (and underpaid!), but last week was pretty relaxing and I actually enjoyed it... and maybe, unfortunately, I got used to  it. And that was bad.

The past few weeks, my workouts have been regular, I've been running consistently (and getting better each time), and my diet has been spot-on. And I was able to keep up on housework, for the most part. But then... this week...

I mean, not only did I have a bunch of extra work to do, but I also had my very first author event on Thursday (and it was awesome—the last time I felt that proud, I was watching my baby sister graduate college), but I also had plans last night, which meant I couldn't take part in my traditional Bride Day Snoozefest, which I've been enjoying the past few weekends. (I watch TLC and I sleep on and off from about 8 p.m. till 2 a.m. It's wonderful. And necessary, after a really long, exhausting week.) I loved the author event, and I had a really great time with friends last night, but both nights just added to the complete ass kicking my mind and body took this week.

Because of the extra work, I've been moody and not very pleasant to be around and that's probably because I haven't worked out since Tuesday and feel effing gross. And even Tuesday wasn't a great workout because I didn't have a lot of time to spend at the gym. I've been trying to be really good diet-wise, but there have definitely been a few slip-ups. And I also spent more money this week than I did in the past two weeks, because I've been running all over the place and sometimes a girl just needs a coffee... or a smoothie... or a glass of sangria...

After a week that was super freakin' exhausting, I took my time getting up this afternoon  morning and eventually had enough energy to actually be productive. Since the time I've spent at home has been completely work-related this week, our apartment was also a giant mess. I used today to tackle the kitchen, the bathroom, the laundry, the living room, and our bedroom (see also: the entire apartment). I was also able to make a tasty quinoa salad and peanut butter cups. Delicious. On both counts. I even fit in coffee with Andrew at B&N and a trip to Duane Reade. And I also finished what I hope will be the last part of one of my freelance projects (copy editing a website for a NYC private school). I hope.

I think the point of whining for five minutes here about how busy I've been was basically just to organize my thoughts and help me see that I have to find a better way to approach work after work... my second (and sometimes third) shift, if you will. Because when I let it take over my life, I lose focus on the stuff that actually matters—my health, especially. I've been doing really well with my jogging and I want to keep it up. I want to make sure I have time for it every week. I need to find a way to balance everything, and I think it comes down to... I have to stop procrastinating. I need to start my work when it's assigned and then spread it out over a few days instead of slamming it all in the night or two before its due. I need to stop wasting my tiiime.

Case in point: this entire post. I still need to put clothes away, take the Swiffer to the bedroom floor, and start a proofread for next week. But what did I just do? Yeeeahh...

Go, me!

PS: I'm twenty-five-and-a-half today. Hence the peanut butter cups. =P

Friday, August 2, 2013

"And we're running, just as fast as we can..." Or, Another Post Where I Jabber Nonstop about Exercise

Quick updates! (While I watch Tia and Tamara on Bravo... Shhh. Don't judge me. Switching to TLC's Friday Bride Day next.)

And I mean, really quick, because I don't even really know what there is to talk about other than work and my new-found hobby...

Oh, I know! The visit to Michele's was fun! The bus ride... not so much, but the visit itself—though very brief—was definitely worth the nine hours on the bus. It was great to catch up; and I love talking about friends about their career and life goals, so it was lucky that that's a lot of what our conversations were about. I swear, if this writing/editing thing fails me, maybe I'll get into guidance counseling or something. Maybe I can find a school that will at least let me help make student schedules. Because everyone knows how much I like planning!

And we made plans to run in a real 5K! My first (running the entire way, anyway) and her... who knows. At that point, fourth? Fifth? The date's October 5, and we're going to follow it with a cupcake tour through NYC and a night at Matt's restaurant. Not that I want to rush life or anything of the sort, but I can't wait!

So that was... two weekends ago. This past weekend was the Glow in the Dark 5K by Living Social, which I attended with some wonderful girls from work. It wasn't a serious run, though we did try to run as much as we could. But people kept dropping their glow sticks and bending down in the middle of the road to get them and knocking down traffic cones and cutting corners and it just wasn't something you could seriously run start to finish. But it was fun, nonetheless. We wore our glow gear, we bought over-priced drinks and snacks, and we danced with the ten thousand other racers till the event was over. I'm not much of a sober dancer, so I admit to being kind of lame at that point, but it was still fun! And I think we discussed tutus and glow-in-the-dark crowns for next year.

Let's see... Oh, more running news. Because apparently that's all I care about these days. Which might be annoying to some, but I'm really proud of my progress and don't mind letting people know that I'm not sitting on my couch, stuffing my face every night! Anymore.

Last Sunday, I finished the very last workout in my Couch to 5K app. I was really disappointed in my distance for the day (2.17 miles), because it wasn't better than the previous workouts, so Matt decided that the next day, we'd run for distance instead of time. The C25K only tracked me up to 30 minutes. So it absolutely blew my mind when, Monday night, I ran 3.2 miles and 45 minutes. (A 5K is 3.11 miles.) And I didn't die. I didn't struggle too much. There was a definite challenge, and I'm definitely one of the slowest runners on the planet, but... I did it. And that's what matters.

So, since I knew I could do it, I did it again Wednesday night, except I went a little farther at 3.3 miles. If I can somehow fit in three workouts a week, I can split my focus between pace and distance and can hopefully improve my time and follow in Michele's footsteps and train for a 10K after the 5K. But we'll see. I fear the coming winter and colder temperatures and an enclosed gym, but... again. We'll see. I would love to keep this up. Because I have found that I actually like everything about it. There's no downside.

My twelve-year-old self is slack-jawed in disbelief right now. I wish I could've down this years ago. But now is better than never.

What else, what else...

Started typing up the manuscript for our book this week! I have no doubts that we'll hit the word count, and I think it's all coming together nicely. I can't wait to post the link, but I have to wait until we have a cover. And who knows when that will be. But I'll post when I can. And then anyone who's interested can pre-order! (You better all pre-order.)

Say Yes to the Dress is distracting me. Can't think. The one bride looks like Jacob from Twilight. Which reminds me of the movie, which reminds me of the book, which makes me want to read. Think I'm going to go do some dishes, work on typing up more quotes for our book, and then maybe drink some chocolate wine! Sometimes I love these Friday nights to myself. <3